Classes and Lectures at The Black Salt

A great part of our service is providing guests with more information about metaphysical topics. From divination to spell work and everything in between, we consistently get questions from guests who are looking to expand their knowledge. Though we love delving into conversation, sometimes we do not have enough time to fully answer all questions.

Our goal is to be a space for exploring these topics with like minded people. As a way to provide more in depth understanding and foster a sense of community, we are excited to offer lectures and classes on a variety of subjects.

How We Collaborate

To apply as a guest lecturer or to teacher, you must have a history of experience in the topic you want to teach. This includes, but is not limited to, teaching previous classes, selling products through a professional business, receiving mentorship or certification from a reputable source, or working for a business that provided expertise and training. If you have no experience teaching or speaking publicly on your topic, then please provide a background on your knowledge and how it has been sourced.

Please submit your resume with your application including relevant professional experience, any certifications or educational history, and 3 professional references. If your application is accepted, you will be asked to prepare a lesson plan for the classes or lectures that you are proposing.

Lectures and classes are held in the bar in our upper lounge area on Wednesdays from 6:00-9:00 PM. The area holds up to 14 attendees and is curtained off from the rest of the bar for privacy. Small tables and seating are provided. Any additional tools for a lecture or class must be provided by the instructor. We rotate classes throughout the month and schedule two to four months in advance.

You determine the price for your lectures or classes. The Black Salt approves the rate. Guests purchase attendance in advance through our website. You receive 70% of the profit from the class or lecture which is payable through our payroll and is direct deposited the week after the class. You can select 1099 or W-2 tax forms.

The Black Salt promotes your lecture or class on our website, monthly newsletter, social media platforms and relevant press outlets in advance. We request a brief bio and profile picture prepared for use.

Classes and lectures are a part of the services we offer at the bar, they are not isolated. They are complementary to food and beverage services. We encourage you to cross promote, however, please keep in mind the collaborative mission of our arrangement.

Topics for Classes

The most common topics on which our guests want to gain more knowledge are divination (tarot, palmistry, and runes primarily), astrology, spell work, consciousness and manifestation magick, herbalism, candle magick, crystal magick, psychic abilities (all types), dream work, shadow work, aura attunement, reiki, and more. We welcome expertise on all subjects and look forward to reviewing your ideas for collaboration.